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First Reading
In the beginning God created heaven and earth.
Bereshit bara Elohim et hashamayim ve'et ha'arets. |
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The earth was without form and empty, with darkness on the face of the depths, but God's spirit moved on the water's surface.
Veha'arets hayetah tohu vavohu vechoshech al-peney tehom veruach Elohim merachefet al-peney hamayim. |
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God said, 'There shall be light,' and light came into existence.
Vayomer Elohim yehi-or vayehi-or. |
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God saw that the light was good, and God divided between the light and the darkness.
Vayar Elohim et-ha'or ki-tov vayavdel Elohim beyn ha'or uveyn hachoshech. |
In the beginning...
Others translate this, 'In the beginning of God's creation of heaven and earth, the earth was without form and empty...' (Rashi). Still others combine the first three verses: 'In the beginning of God's creation....when the earth was without form and empty....God said, 'Let there be light.' (Bereshith Rabbah).
God's spirit
Others: 'God's wind.'